Toreador [noun]

Definition of Toreador:


Synonyms of Toreador:

Opposite/Antonyms of Toreador:


Sentence/Example of Toreador:

The toreador has his way with the Spanish dons and seoritas alike.

If you should change your mind about using The Toreador, you may telephone me; and I hope you will.

Now a toreador, whom he had seen more than once in the arena, strutted past.

The toreador chivied the bull round the ring, trying to get it face foremost.

The Toreador, followed by the crowd, which includes Morales, departs.

This establishment belonged to Seor Toms, who in his youth had been a toreador.

How could he be humble to that uppish, vainglorious tune, that toreador pomposity?

He quickly reveals his identity and challenges the toreador.

What matters it whether a man is a muletero, gaucho, toreador, or what?

Torellas is a toreador,—yes,—but also Torellas is something more than that.