Totaling [verb]

Definition of Totaling:

add up

Synonyms of Totaling:

Opposite/Antonyms of Totaling:

Sentence/Example of Totaling:

She grinned beguilingly at the man who was totaling a long column of figures.

It is the longest treaty ever drawn, totaling about 80,000 words.

The largest crop to date was produced in 1931 totaling 500 pounds.

Our losses have been amazingly small, totaling about 111 killed and wounded.

The stomach of one adult contained 14 large grasshoppers and four fish, totaling about 15 cc.

In the last six days of the month there were delivered one wooden and fourteen steel ships, totaling 82,760 tons.

Thus in '87—Yale 17, Harvard 8—two place kicks and one drop kick were scored in the three attempts, totaling nine points.

I am grateful also to the Kansas Academy of Science for three research grants (totaling $175.00) that supported part of the work.

Organized and trained 45 ambulance companies, totaling 5580 men, for service with American soldiers and sailors.

On the road stood two batteries, totaling twelve howitzers and a large number of ammunition wagons.