Toupees [noun]

Definition of Toupees:


Synonyms of Toupees:

Opposite/Antonyms of Toupees:


Sentence/Example of Toupees:

"I understand," he said, rising and checking his toupee once more.

Midway through the interview Harry noticed that he too was wearing a toupee.

Then he lifted off his toupee and held it, poised above his head.

They all called it Toupee because it was like one, but the name was forbidden in her father's hearing.

"Stow it, Toupee," said Theodore, and caught the hold-all in time.

Mr. Wendeborn wears his own hair, which curls naturally, and the toupee is combed up.

Father was a toupee manufacturer which makes Charlie hair to a big-wig's fortune.

Whats all this got to do with rescuing Prince Huacafalse teeth, glass eyes and toupee?

They swung about startled, Don Ernesto still holding his toupee aloft.

If you boys dont stop talking about my toupee, complained Don Ernesto, one day, I shall have no peace at all.