Transferences [noun]

Definition of Transferences:

movement, working

Opposite/Antonyms of Transferences:

Sentence/Example of Transferences:

That scrubby menagerie had not gained in dignity from its transference to canvas walls.

Step sideward, right, with transference of body weight to the right foot .

In psychotherapy, the term "transference" is used to denote this relationship.

It was not in a state to accept calmly the idea of transference to Shepherd's Bush.

Suddenly, as if by a transference of thought, she voiced what he had in mind.

The doctrine of the transference of sin was by no means peculiar to the Jews.

All truth has to be expressed in sentences because all truth is the transference of power.

No exact date can be assigned for the transference of the Imperial power.

It is a transference of life-force from the seen to the unseen.

This wonderful tune is, we fear, a transference we made from Scandinavia.