Treaties [noun]

Definition of Treaties:

agreement, contract

Synonyms of Treaties:

Opposite/Antonyms of Treaties:

Sentence/Example of Treaties:

All the treaties he makes are forced from him by violence or cunning.

That would have been an abuse of our treaties, and unworthy of your character.

This scheme formed the basis of the three treaties of Blois .

Of treaties and conventions he had signed a goodly number and broken some.

These terms had been used in their treaties with Great Britain, and had never been misunderstood.

He is not less entitled to the protection of the constitution, laws, and treaties, of his country.

But with the Americans were associated the making of treaties and the ceding of land.

After the making of treaties a blacksmith shop was added to the agency.

A collection of European treaties from the reign of Charlemagne.

Every Colony and State has become limited by boundaries defined in treaties.