Trouncing [verb]

Definition of Trouncing:

defeat overwhelmingly

Synonyms of Trouncing:

Opposite/Antonyms of Trouncing:

Sentence/Example of Trouncing:

The poor old fellow gets his trouncing from the critics monthly.

It is men that Dr. Parkhurst is trouncing—not their crimes—not Crime.

I don't care what you do, so long as I give this little beggar a trouncing.

Have I got to submit myself to a trouncing more than once a year?

But, by God His faith, an they would be ruled by me, he should get such a trouncing therefor that he should stink for it!'

On a third occasion he repeated the remarks, whereupon Hood and a friend with him gave him a trouncing.

Marie Louise darted forward to save Victor from a ducking as well as a trouncing, and nearly ran over a man who was passing.

He loathed his mission and himself and felt that he had earned a trouncing and a disinheritance.

His whole being was bent on getting hold of the young traitor and trouncing him within an inch of his life.

Dr. Baker, of Whindale, accustomed to trouncing Mrs. Seaton, would have thought him a poor creature.