Trustees [noun]

Definition of Trustees:


Synonyms of Trustees:

Opposite/Antonyms of Trustees:


Sentence/Example of Trustees:

"You will have the other trustees to advise with," said his mother.

But it could not be amiss, he thought, to acquaint my two trustees, that I intended to assume it.

If you blame me for want of principle: I say that we're Trustees.

Several of the children, among them those of one of the trustees, were absent.

You see, I traveled into a deestrict and inquired for the trustees.

Any way, I guess they could hardly do it without the consent of the trustees.

By a vote of the trustees in 1900 the number of women was limited to 20 per cent.

There are serving at present one county superintendent and fifteen trustees.

It is under the control of five trustees, two of whom are women.

In 1900 they were made eligible to serve as trustees of town libraries.