Turfiest [adjective]

Definition of Turfiest:


Synonyms of Turfiest:

Opposite/Antonyms of Turfiest:


Sentence/Example of Turfiest:

And so the contest was maintained, and intensified when I stood on the turfy slope.

If leaf-mould is not at hand, turfy peat may be substituted for it.

Beyond that turfy sigh no sound from the marching men came to him.

All the wild and turfy growth should be taken off the bog before the vines are set.

The luncheon basket was forgotten on the turfy slope on which he'd dropped it.

Timar felt transformed when he trod the turfy paths of the island.

They grow best in small pots in a mixture of turfy loam and peat.

A turfy spot in the wood had been selected for the principal scene of the festival.

There he sat down on the turfy seat and buried his face in his hands.

Walther then springs lightly up the turfy throne, and, inspired by love, he sings with all his heart.