Tuskers [noun]

Definition of Tuskers:

large mammal

Synonyms of Tuskers:

Opposite/Antonyms of Tuskers:


Sentence/Example of Tuskers:

He was soon left far behind, while the tusker charged onward.

Fortunately the jungle helped the mahowt by hiding the tusker from view.

"Yer looked it," retorted Tusker, his face scowling horribly.

But to give the bare truth, Tusker Joe was by no means easy in his mind.

Tusker Joe had a conscience at this day, and it smote him just then harder than all else.

But thar's more to tell, Tusker; more as has ter do with your actions.

However, Tusker improved to such an extent that it became possible to move him.

That Tusker will out with his evidence, and ye'll be cleared.

Thar was five hundred miners thar, and one of 'em was Tusker Joe.

I fired again, and the tusker, checked in his rush, swung off to one side.