Tutorships [noun]

Definition of Tutorships:


Synonyms of Tutorships:

Opposite/Antonyms of Tutorships:


Sentence/Example of Tutorships:

Will this country ever escape the tutorship of sham science?

Antonia says he wants a tutorship; now, can you really recommend him?

He was waiting at the time to hear about a tutorship which had been mentioned to him.

The history of the tutorship was as follows: Money had come from America, after all.

In 1838 he accepted a tutorship at Athens, where he remained until 1840.

He had to resign his tutorship when he became a professor, and thus lost £51 of income.

Under the tutorship of Emil, he drank from the Hoboken source of bird wisdom.

But Harry Vardon had good reasons of his own for taking this tutorship.

Her brother Alexis was an undergraduate, but had been promised a tutorship for the vacation.

It is easy enough to marry on a fellowship, a tutorship, and a few small miscellaneous offices.