Typewrote [verb]

Definition of Typewrote:

hit keys on machine to print document

Synonyms of Typewrote:

Opposite/Antonyms of Typewrote:


Sentence/Example of Typewrote:

They asked me if I could typewrite, but I had never seen a typewriter.

Observe the entry of W. Burgess: "You're the lady as hused to typewrite for him."

In some measure, learning arithmetic is like learning to typewrite.

The pay is good, and girls who can typewrite are to be found by the thousand nowadays.'

I had such a happy home and my husband was so good; I did not have to typewrite any longer.

If it isn't a rude question, Mr. Shawn, why do you typewrite your letters?

In the majority of instances it is unnecessary to typewrite.

In a rash moment Jasmine alluded to Aunt Ellen's suggestion about learning to typewrite.

He accordingly set the phonograph at a slow pace, and I began to typewrite from the beginning of the seventh cylinder.

Hadnt Daddy taught her to typewrite when she was only eleven, and didnt even Tim think she was a pretty good typist?