Unavailingly [adverb]

Definition of Unavailingly:

giving small ground for hope

Synonyms of Unavailingly:

Opposite/Antonyms of Unavailingly:

Sentence/Example of Unavailingly:

The desire mastered him, and he writhed and struggled in his bonds, but unavailingly.

Schopenhauer then offered it, unavailingly, to half a dozen other publishers.

Charles declined it: the envoy pressed his suit, but unavailingly.

He tried everything he could think of to cure her, but unavailingly.

He endeavored to persuade his master to travel in his hammock; but unavailingly.

Having waited for some ten minutes unavailingly, I spoke to the man in the box.

In “Asia” Urizen hears the despairing cry of his creation, and himself shudders and weeps, but unavailingly.

With the energies of despair, though all unavailingly, the inhabitants attempted their defense.

In this state, the voice of the preacher thundered remorselessly, but unavailingly, upon her ears.

The young man's face became scarlet with shame, and he tried twice to speak, but unavailingly.