Unchaining [noun]

Definition of Unchaining:


Synonyms of Unchaining:

Opposite/Antonyms of Unchaining:


Sentence/Example of Unchaining:

Some plague was working in the East and unchaining thousands.

Religion serves as a pretext for the unchaining of human passions.

Some of our men were unchaining one of our wagons and rolling it out of the way.

At last an unchaining, unbarring, unbolting, and key-turning were heard from within the door.

It was on the tip of his tongue to add, "and I haven't been yet—" but he checked himself in fear of unchaining the lightning.

The Reformation, like all great upheavals, beneficent in themselves, led to the unchaining of the spirit of fanaticism and rapine.

Mrs. Dolihide heard him unchaining the gate, and came out upon the veranda.

There was a good deal of unchaining and unbolting, and the door was slowly opened.

The footman in livery—very sleepy and tousled as yet—was unchaining the front door.

For mothers and for wives there is no redemption, no unchaining of love, save by the coming of the kingdom—in themselves .