Undulating [adjective]
Definition of Undulating:
Opposite/Antonyms of Undulating:
Sentence/Example of Undulating:
On the other side were undulating pasture-lands on which grazed a few sheep.
Suddenly the whole face of it was adorned with a verdant, undulating robe.
The sun was shining violently upon the undulating surface of the land.
Lobate -us: divided by deep, undulating and successive incisions.
Like them, it is level or undulating, dry, and bare—in the main a land of pasture.
There was the undulating corn-field descending to the water's edge.
The undulating ground is everywhere cultivated like a garden.
Everything was dark, the country being an undulating prairie.
The movement and rustle continued, but it now seemed long and undulating.
One of these was with reference to what were called “undulating lines.”