Unexplored [adjective]

Definition of Unexplored:

not explored

Synonyms of Unexplored:

Opposite/Antonyms of Unexplored:

Sentence/Example of Unexplored:

As far as any one knew, the country he had just traversed was unexplored.

There was no longer the sound of sizzling steam from the unexplored passage-way.

The glooms of the gigantic forest, spreading back to unexplored and unimagined depth, added to the sublimity of the scene.

Beyond the gate there is unexplored mystery for us in our childhood.

Immediately the little dog was lost in an unexplored country.

Men he understood, but the female mind was like a strange, unexplored territory to him.

The unexplored mountains from which these great rivers spring.

Music became his world, and all outside of it was strange and unexplored.

Thurston turned in a feverish search of the unexplored depths.

The vast domain west of the Mississippi River was unexplored.