Ungrateful [adjective]

Definition of Ungrateful:

not appreciative

Synonyms of Ungrateful:

Opposite/Antonyms of Ungrateful:

Sentence/Example of Ungrateful:

My master would deem me ungrateful, Ambrose break his heart.

How ungrateful to that God, who blessed them with such talents!

I respect and love her with all my soul:—I should be a most ungrateful wretch if I did not.

Though every sinner be ungrateful, yet every sinner is not a monster of ingratitude.

Do not consider me as your master—your tyrant; do not imagine that I think you ungrateful!

I should be the most ungrateful wretch in the world, if I were to make him unhappy.

Can I be ungrateful, disobedient to him who was a father to me?

Sir,—You must by this time have set me down as one of the most ungrateful of men.

Poor, ill-advised, ungrateful Armour came home on Friday last.

I should be ungrateful were I not proud of this great demonstration.