Unlacing [verb]

Definition of Unlacing:

set free; unbind

Opposite/Antonyms of Unlacing:

Sentence/Example of Unlacing:

She worked at the unlacing of the Queen's gown, so that she at last must kneel down to it.

"I don't wish 'im no 'arm," he repeated, as he kicked off the boot he had been unlacing.

And he fell to unlacing his pack, and drawing forth its treasures.

By unlacing one portion, the sail can quickly be reduced in size.

The Pilot never so much as took his eyes off the boot that he was unlacing.

Jim asked, pausing and looking up from the unlacing of his shoe.

With sudden impatience she rose, unlacing his arms from about her.

"So old some of 'em needed crutches," said Bruce, unlacing his boots.

Lancelot approaches and, unlacing his helmet, cuts off his head.

Edie relieved her feelings by unlacing her fingers, taking out her handkerchief from her pocket and beginning to tear it.