Unpleasurable [adjective]

Definition of Unpleasurable:

without flavor

Synonyms of Unpleasurable:

Opposite/Antonyms of Unpleasurable:

Sentence/Example of Unpleasurable:

It was a new sensation, not unpleasurable, and in thanking him she blushed.

The contemplation of the horror of the hell gave him—and her, too, he thought—a curious feeling which was not unpleasurable.

Through the growing, not unpleasurable, dizziness which came upon her thus, the man's voice made its way.

Yes, I seem to remember something of the sort, and with a not unpleasurable emotion.

This suggestion did not carry with it the unpleasurable emotions which the Mandarin anticipated it would.

There they remained even to her own mind, in a state of suspense not unpleasurable but capable of becoming difficult.