Unpracticed [adjective]

Definition of Unpracticed:


Opposite/Antonyms of Unpracticed:


Sentence/Example of Unpracticed:

But Tog was yet a puppy, unpracticed in fight; he had missed the grip.

But what unpracticed hand could trace such a splendid countenance?

To an unpracticed eye, the beauties and wonders of creation are all lost.

When the unpracticed Reddi got into a palanquin, it swung from side to side.

The latter seems to us, who are unpracticed in it, three times as difficult.

This animal is not easily taken by unpracticed game seekers.

Dry work this speechifying, especially to all unpracticed orators.

It was a dry, unpracticed chuckle at best, but it was a chuckle, nevertheless.

Even to the most unpracticed eye this model of a great work appeared to be of admirable skill.

Nor was it difficult, even to his unpracticed eye, to see that she had begun to wage a losing fight against the bank.