Unprinted [adjective]

Definition of Unprinted:

not published

Synonyms of Unprinted:

Opposite/Antonyms of Unprinted:

Sentence/Example of Unprinted:

Astrologia: unprinted: in 4to, altogether after a new manner and on other principles.

Unprinted paper and music are sewn on tapes as well as cords.

A very little, too, of the unprinted work which was held back at his death has been recovered.

Miserere &c.: possibly from some unprinted version of the Visio, or from some version of the Evangelium Nichodemi; comp.

An accurate and valuable work for which the author has made painstaking research among printed and unprinted documents.

She was accepted by everybody as a kind of unprinted village newspaper.

There are many versions from oral tradition, as yet unprinted, besides these two: A, 'Hr.

There are two unfinished and unprinted Sforziads, one by the elder, the other by the younger Filelfo.

Then unprinted but now included in the very voluminous edition of Lady Winchilseas Poems, ed.

About my unprinted matter, Mr. Lewes thinks it will not be well to publish the first part till February.