Unsteadied [verb]

Definition of Unsteadied:


Synonyms of Unsteadied:

Opposite/Antonyms of Unsteadied:


Sentence/Example of Unsteadied:

Unsteadied by keel or rudder, it bobbed unexpectedly this way and that.

But the temptation, though it unsteadied her brain for a moment, could never have overcome her.

The courage and control of it unsteadied him more than any passionate protest.

Stoutly they breasted the slopes, and unsteadied the weakened French centre, which was also assailed on its northern flank.

This strange apparition not only unsteadied the French left: it greatly perplexed the Emperor.

And then she turned upon West a face so luminous with pure trust that it all but unsteadied him.

The shock of the narrow escape we had just had seemed to have unsteadied the nerve of our brave Panhard for the moment.

And I believed that I was dealing with an unsteadied boy who needed the sharp tonic of work and danger—ah, Corrie, forgive me!

For an instant I thought that excitement had unsteadied me, for my hand, seeking his, seemed to move at random in the vacant air.

It having become nearly calm, she lay thrashing aimlessly in the swell, unsteadied by the canvas.