Unsuccess [noun]

Definition of Unsuccess:


Opposite/Antonyms of Unsuccess:


Sentence/Example of Unsuccess:

Here, when all else was numbed by loneliness and hunger and unsuccess, it waked and warned me.

I thought,—All labor, yet no less Bear up beneath their unsuccess.

Similarly the result of unsuccess in such a venture is obvious.

It is a forlorn enterprise—that is admitted; but there are degrees of unsuccess.

And I would accuse myself of ingratitude for complaining of my unsuccess.

So in his ignorance of the real difficulty, he had thought to conquer his unsuccess by putting forth a greater effort.

I cannot live a month; I may die any day, but it would be horrible to leave my child to battle with poverty, unsuccess.

At any rate, their success or unsuccess almost wholly depends upon its capacity to overcome internal evils.

He was one of the men who dropped an unsuccess very soon, and did not spend his energies fighting his way through.

Francis I. intrenched himself strongly in his camp, which the Imperialists could not attack without great risk of unsuccess.