Unsuspicious [adjective]

Definition of Unsuspicious:

harmless, naive

Opposite/Antonyms of Unsuspicious:

Sentence/Example of Unsuspicious:

To Mali-ya-bwana, in his flattered and unsuspicious mood, this seemed reasonable.

You have imposed upon a nature which you knew to be confiding and unsuspicious.

So unsuspicious was Helen that she was sitting in the porch, with her back to the road.

"Charlot has often told me so," she laughed, all unsuspicious.

If he observed her blushes, he was unsuspicious of the cause, and went on.

The unsuspicious Mozart accepted the proposition, after consulting with his wife.

It is unsuspicious, and can be left upon a lady's dressing-table.

The pig, unsuspicious of danger, was wandering about in the courtyard.

He was open-handed and unsuspicious—and wonderfully beloved.

He is young and unsuspicious, and much harm might thus come to the state.