Untreated [adjective]

Definition of Untreated:

not cooked, prepared

Synonyms of Untreated:

Opposite/Antonyms of Untreated:

Sentence/Example of Untreated:

If untreated it lasts for years and it may destroy the cornea and consequently the sight.

The life-history of an untreated gumma varies with its environment.

This "treated" filament has a coating of hard carbon and its electrical resistance is greater than that of the untreated filament.

The treated filament was found to be a harder form of carbon that did not volatilize as rapidly as the untreated filament.

This untreated rock, pulverized exceedingly fine, often is known as floats.

The treated pieces of rubber were placed in contact with untreated pieces of crepe which served as “blanks.”

All the dried fruits are rich in food values, and if we could get them untreated by chemicals, they would be worth their cost.

If the cretin is untreated he rarely has a long life, thirty years being an exceptional age.

The development of the plants was improved and the treated plants flowered about four days before the untreated ones.

In twenty-four hours all pigs were dead—the treated and the untreated ones.