Uses [noun]

Definition of Uses:

application; employment

Opposite/Antonyms of Uses:

Sentence/Example of Uses:

Lastly, it does not run counter to man's economic laws; it only uses and transcends them.

Langen too uses the knife, but with a certain judicious restraint.

Every housewife who uses a teakettle is familiar with this condition.

We call ours a utilitarian age, and we do not know the uses of any single thing.

But it is offensive to man, insulting to the atmosphere, and destructive of him who uses it.

If one has not steam one uses the river to turn the mill-wheel.

In reality they are birds of the same feather: each has a quill and uses it.

And just as Me-en-gan preys on Amik, so does Man kill for his own uses.

You do not know,' she added, suddenly, 'to what uses it may be applied; into what hands it may pass.

Oh, we'd find uses for it, mother, and uses that would do us good.