Vagabonds [noun]

Definition of Vagabonds:

person who leads an unsettled life; traveler

Synonyms of Vagabonds:

Opposite/Antonyms of Vagabonds:

Sentence/Example of Vagabonds:

I do not hold diplomatic relations with thieves and vagabonds.

His own people, whom he employs, are buying it up, and the vagabonds pocket the whole.

The Anarchists were a mere herd of vagabonds and thieves, said he.

And now that I've found you we'll just be vagabonds together.

The race of these vagabonds is found in every part of Europe.

And if they went away on foot, would they not be stopped and detained as vagabonds?

Evidently it was no disadvantage here to be the greatest of vagabonds.

In spite of it the sergeant hailed him gruffly: "Are you the leader of this troop of vagabonds?"

And my friend the courier was not so far astray when he called us vagabonds!

The brute these two vagabonds had tamed had entered on its service while Heyst and Lena were away.