Victualled [verb]

Definition of Victualled:

tend; provide for

Synonyms of Victualled:

Opposite/Antonyms of Victualled:

Sentence/Example of Victualled:

They were victualled for a long siege, and as the place was strong they had nothing to fear.

Sir Allan victualled it for the day, and provided able rowers.

The Endeavour was victualled for a cruise of eighteen months.

She carried thirty-six guns, and was victualled for a long voyage.

"We were victualled for six months, and of that which was good," runs the record.

The ship is victualled afresh by reading, hearing, receiving.

With this help the ship was victualled and furnished with all that was necessary.

List of ships furnished and victualled by the City to meet the Armada, 1588.

One of the greatest, to my way of thinking, was the way we were victualled.

Come, come, you must take your cargo in; you must be victualled as well as refitted.