Vouchers [noun]

Definition of Vouchers:


Synonyms of Vouchers:

Opposite/Antonyms of Vouchers:

Sentence/Example of Vouchers:

I suppose he would have his Lordship's signing to this letter to be taken as a voucher for him.

I signed for each of them a voucher, on a sheet of the hotel paper, for a photograph.

Yes, sir; and what's stranger still, I have a voucher for it.

A voucher or written testimony to the truth of any statement.

"I can give you a voucher for the whole amount," says Steele.

I was sorry I had not made the voucher for a thousand loads of wood instead of one.

The Eveline "voucher" plan gives the pupil something to watch for.

Or if a voucher check is used it is only necessary to date and enter.

I'll just cut off the bottom of your breeches by way of voucher.'

The voucher seems to have come into existence in Japan in the 14th century.