Wainscoting [noun]
Definition of Wainscoting:
Synonyms of Wainscoting:
Opposite/Antonyms of Wainscoting:
Sentence/Example of Wainscoting:
Wet the wainscot all over with a brush dipped in the mixture, and when dry, rub it bright: this will give it a fine gloss.
If he should come to wed my daughter after pinning me to the wainscot of my own hall may I be for ever damned.
The wrench upon it had already pulled the bodkin from the wainscot.
Then opening a door in the wainscot near the fireplace he flung it in.
And with a crayon he made drawings on the wainscot of the room.
The carpet was of a biscuit colour and covered the room flush to the wainscot.
If open, I walked round and round the room, brushing the wainscot with my tail.
She remained standing, leaning with her shoulder against the wainscot.
In the wainscot of the room a deathwatch ticked its doleful omen.
When my grandfather died I had the wainscot door cemented in.