Wallowing [verb]

Definition of Wallowing:

slosh around in

Synonyms of Wallowing:

Opposite/Antonyms of Wallowing:

Sentence/Example of Wallowing:

We are, on the contrary, fumbling and wallowing about where the Greek pondered and philosophized.

He stamped them into the snow under him in the wallowing struggle.

A sea hog is a wallowing boat with a long, black, heavy snout.

The brute was wallowing on the surface now, the water boiling around him.

You can fancy how dirty we became, splashing, stumbling, wallowing in it.

And now the rock had melted away and left him wallowing in a deep pool.

The flower of the Roman patriciate was wallowing in this monstrous treachery.

It was a period of wallowing for everything on four feet or on two.

Their elders were hidden from the wallowing hippopotami by the crest of the knoll.

I stared at it, and began to gulp tragically, wallowing in a wave of self-pity.