Waned [verb]

Definition of Waned:

diminish, lessen

Synonyms of Waned:

Opposite/Antonyms of Waned:

Sentence/Example of Waned:

She waned before the eyes of the king, like daylight that must be gone.

"Now we ought to see the burgomaster," said Rob, as the afternoon waned.

Between these two it would seem as the humour of the one waned, that of the other waxed.

It was on his last day, when hope had waned, that he found what he hoped was a clue.

It had ebbed from him with his blood, or waned with his fever.

When the interest in this waned, Hillard looked at his watch.

The evening waned, but it brought no sign of any of the missing three.

Little by little confidence had waned, and doubt and dread replaced it.

Before this evening waned he was thoroughly conscious of his position.

Outside the night was cold, with a little light from a waned moon.