Warred [verb]

Definition of Warred:

fight, battle

Synonyms of Warred:

Opposite/Antonyms of Warred:

Sentence/Example of Warred:

The spirit had warred against the flesh, and the spirit had won then and now.

What raised the warfare of Pius into grandeur was the scale upon which he warred.

He warred with destiny; and no man could say what was his fate until the hakim had decided.

For seven long years King Karl and his Franks warred in the peninsula.

The hardwoods are also warred upon by bugs, weevils, borers, and fungi.

He was an able prince, benevolent, and warred with the Moors.

She could see the smoke of fires against which the summer rain had warred in vain.

Afterwards he warred in Italy, slew Turnus, and won Lavinia (111-467).

Horrible was the society with which we warred, but our own means were not less horrible.

This plain has been the Aceldama of the nations that have warred in Palestine.