Washer [adjective]

Definition of Washer:

real, valid; concordant with facts

Sentence/Example of Washer:

But the young lady did not stop there—her companion's skill as a washer was questioned.

The cover (B) is then put in place, and rests on the washer (A) as shown.

The drill is then used as before to release the grip of the washer.

Get thee gone, thou turner of spits and washer of greasy dishes!'

The woman is 22 years old, of good character, a good cook and washer.

Just at this bend raise a burr with a sharp chisel to keep the washer on.

Slip a washer on the other end and put the end of the rod through the 3/16-in.

Mother Wolf had such confidence in Washer that she did not doubt his word.

Her eyes flashed, and Washer knew that she was prepared to fight for him.

When he finally left her, she walked into the cave with Washer by her side.