Watches [noun]

Definition of Watches:

clock worn on body

Synonyms of Watches:

Opposite/Antonyms of Watches:


Sentence/Example of Watches:

They possessed no watches but they measured time by the shadow of the sun-dial.

Betty, I will be frank, there is a great lady who is jealous, and watches you very closely.

He'll never dare go against his mother and she watches him like a cat.

By means of this the boys frequently glanced at their watches.

The market for watches, which had been depressed, was at this time reviving a little.

Beyond this point they have treated the watches as though they had nothing in common.

A general view of one of these watches is seen in figure 20.

Nearly all these watches had seven jewels, some few had more.

She leads the rounds of the fairies, and watches over change and growth.

After his death the dragon takes possession of the hoard and watches over it.