Waylays [verb]

Definition of Waylays:

intercept, ambush

Synonyms of Waylays:

Opposite/Antonyms of Waylays:

Sentence/Example of Waylays:

I warn you that I shall lay all manner of traps, waylay your messengers, bribe them.

The little house was quiet and dark with no one to waylay them.

But Rose did not dare, and then there was Martin ready to waylay her.

If you can intercept her before she gets there, or waylay her when she leaves, why there you are.

The huntsmen, hearing of it, stole out privately to waylay him in a snare.

"I will," cried Paul, hurrying across the corridor to waylay his chum.

The question is—Have they passed the place, where it was intended to waylay them?

I am ordered to send this berserk with a troop of nineteen men to waylay thee.

Dick hurried out by the front to waylay Will, but encountered Uncle Abram.

They began to waylay and butcher white men and women and children.