Weaponless [adjective]

Definition of Weaponless:


Synonyms of Weaponless:

Opposite/Antonyms of Weaponless:



Sentence/Example of Weaponless:

He would take the whole garrison at their prayers and weaponless.

Would you, too, travel the voiceless and weaponless path of death?

The bull Elk now shapes his conduct to his weaponless condition.

I was weaponless, but I had no longer any fear of the Jivros.

Scarlett, who was weaponless, stood firm and rigid, ready for an onslaught.

Major James was weaponless, but in his anger was equal to the occasion.

They were many and I could not fight them single-handed and weaponless.

When they found Raven, they raised their hands, all weaponless.

They must go bookless and weaponless, without pen or paper or money.

Weaponless was he, and her husband had mocked at him for it.