Weightily [adverb]

Definition of Weightily:


Synonyms of Weightily:

Opposite/Antonyms of Weightily:

Sentence/Example of Weightily:

“Well, ye-e-s,” he agreed, and the agreement was weightily deliberate.

“He did leave him there,” he uttered, weightily, returning to the contemplation of the wall.

She spoke slowly and weightily, her eyes fixed on Julia's face.

"He has more gold pieces 'n ever you seen," proceeded Jonathan weightily.

He had the gift of silence, and spoke seldom, yet weightily.

When these Things are weightily attended to, how mournful is the Subject?

"It has given me pain, Mr. Jarndyce," Sir Leicester weightily proceeded.

"He's their boss: that's all he is," said Dr. Surtaine weightily.

"Phil brings us strange and monstrous news," he said weightily.

He weightily communicated his opinion to their host, that his life must be a very dreary life here in the winter.