Weightlessness [noun]

Definition of Weightlessness:

lightness in weight

Synonyms of Weightlessness:

Opposite/Antonyms of Weightlessness:

Sentence/Example of Weightlessness:

They jumped and came toward her, clumsily fighting the weightlessness.

"I never could get used to this weightlessness," Georgi admitted.

There was that ghastly feeling of lunging forward to weightlessness.

The well padded suit encompassed him so gently there was no sense of pressure on his body to make up for the weightlessness.

Before the man could fire again, Mryna swung down a side corridor, and at once the sensation of weightlessness overtook her.

We endured the strangling thrust of acceleration, and then the weightlessness of just coasting on our built-up velocity.

Now, as he struggled awkwardly with weightlessness, Temple called it his imagination.

As the men drifted in, Temple was amazed to see the progress they had made with weightlessness.

An order abolishing salutes in weightlessness followed shortly after.

It was a singularly uncomfortable sensation, on top of the discomfort of weightlessness.