Weirds [noun]

Definition of Weirds:

newness, originality

Synonyms of Weirds:

Opposite/Antonyms of Weirds:

Sentence/Example of Weirds:

The army may have been there—but they did not see the Weirds—nor, I believe, did the Weirds see them.

Those were redeemable weirds, weirds within the bounds of normal human endeavor.

I suppose it was that the memory of the finding of the treasure, and of the hovering near us of death, had recalled her weirds.

The magician then summoned his Weirds and ordered them to carry the frozen visitors outside the castle walls.

Each one of the rigid figures was taken up by two Weirds, who carried him out and stood him up in the road outside the castle.

In half an hour the Weirds returned and announced that the articles were ready in the great court-yard.