Wheelman [noun]

Definition of Wheelman:

course plotter

Synonyms of Wheelman:

Opposite/Antonyms of Wheelman:


Sentence/Example of Wheelman:

Any active boy of ten years of age and upward may become a wheelman.

The wheelman rang the speed-bell, and then spoke through the tube to the engineer.

He could see the chin and jaws of the wheelman and the beard of old Captain Newton.

"Make the course north north-east, Morris," he shouted to the wheelman.

He passed old Aaron with no word, passed the wheelman, and faced his brother.

Dory was wheelman, and a couple of men who worked on the place did duty as deck-hands.

And Jonathan was the skipper and Toby was the wheelman and engine.

Looking down at the wheelman, he saw that the boat was making a circle.

In vain he cried to the wheelman to stop the wheel: there was no answer.

The wheelman's object must be to get to Second Avenue as directly as possible.