Whitecap [noun]

Definition of Whitecap:

wave; wrinkle

Synonyms of Whitecap:

Opposite/Antonyms of Whitecap:


Sentence/Example of Whitecap:

A whitecap foamed above it and broke across in a snow-white smother.

He is too near the water now; the glare and the dancing waves bother him; he loses his gleam of silver in the flash of a whitecap.

And d'ye think I didn't see Mr. Whitecap going down, afore ye thought o' a row yerself?

But the shore was protected by a double line of reefs, so close in that the channel between did not show a whitecap.

In a wave without a whitecap the water returns to practically the original point after completing a circle beneath the surface.

But the journey was a jubilant one, and they welcomed the first gleaming of Whitecap pond with whoops of delight.