Whites [noun]

Definition of Whites:

formal uniform

Synonyms of Whites:

Opposite/Antonyms of Whites:


Sentence/Example of Whites:

Only the whites of the eggs are used, and so the cake is white in color.

Beat the whites stiff and fold them carefully into the sauce.

(b) Why should egg whites not be allowed to stand after beating?

Chop the yolks of all, and the whites of two, and stir them into melted butter.

Break eight eggs, separate the whites from the yolks, and strain them.

Have ready the whites of two eggs, beaten to a strong froth.

Leave out seven of the whites, and beat the other seven to a stiff froth.

Just then, too, he had made Victorine whip some whites of eggs in water.

Add ten eggs, but only half the whites, and a nutmeg grated.

Government of blacks by whites is a commonplace; of blacks by blues, a stroke of genius.