Whys [noun]

Definition of Whys:


Synonyms of Whys:

Opposite/Antonyms of Whys:


Sentence/Example of Whys:

Till now one with sudden hiss: "But-good Christ-just look-why, the roof's leaning—!"

And what is it that brings disaster on those who employ the phalanx?Why the phalanx fails.

It needed a beefy person with fat legs and a large amount of inexplicable dignity, a regular God-knows-why loftiness.

Weren't they as good as gold this morning, Emily?and yesterday!why they never murmured, as good as gold they were.

Like other sharp children, Why-Why was always asking metaphysical conundrums.

In answer to these and similar questions, the mother of Why-Why would tell him stories out of the simple mythology of the tribe.

To this statement, hallowed by immemorial belief, Why-Why only answered by asking who made Pund-jel.

The coming of age of Why-Why was celebrated in the manner usual among primitive people.

As she lay in a half-fainting and almost dying state, Why-Why rushed out to find the most celebrated local medicine-man.

Thus, even with the aid of Why-Why, existence became too laborious for her strength, and she gradually pined away.