Windings [noun]
Definition of Windings:
labyrinth; confusion
Synonyms of Windings:
● Puzzle
● Twist
● Winding
● Tangle
● Web
● Network
● Muddle
● Mesh
● Knot
● Morass
● Skein
● Quandary
● Snarl
● Jungle
● Meander
● Torsion
Sentence/Example of Windings:
It is very hard to trace the schemes and windings of the enemies to America.
I assume, Captain, that you are familiar with all the windings and dangers of the river.
We gallop across the common, and follow the windings of a second lane.
The windings of the river were such that it required a voyage of several leagues to reach its mouth.
To trace all the windings of the negotiation would be tedious.
Let us try with it to follow reality in its windings, and see what will happen.
Allowing for windings, the navigation by that river may be set down at 1000 miles.
To track them along all the windings of that route would be the work of one day at least.
It would be no easy matter for me to retrace the windings of that long gallop.
There was really no end to its windings—to its incomprehensible subdivisions.