Woes [noun]

Definition of Woes:


Opposite/Antonyms of Woes:

Sentence/Example of Woes:

Oh, foolish woman, if you do, you only exchange your woes for worse ones.

She may be surrounded with variety of woes, but none of them shall approach her.

He leads her straight into the woes: will she follow, will she hold back?

We were not then prepared for peace, that sovereign balm for a nation's woes.

I can not hear the recital of their woes without the deepest sympathy.

The woes of the apoplectic mate had begun to bore him long before.

Is self-sacrifice to be denied the sorrowful satisfaction to tell its woes?

It is the voice of war, a voice of woe; the voice of civil war, the chief of woes.

Had I been able to associate with the other boys, the woes of learning might not have seemed so intolerable.

At once Anna plunged into her woes, disappointment, and fears.