Wooed [verb]

Definition of Wooed:

seek as romantic partner

Synonyms of Wooed:

Opposite/Antonyms of Wooed:

Sentence/Example of Wooed:

Then came Joshua Bute of Chicago, and when wooed she accepted and married him.

You had wooed and slighted me, yet you had made me love you, and if you were not for me I swore you should be for no other.

You had learnt who I was, and you thought that you had learnt why I wooed you.

Was it disgraceful that she had wooed and not waited to be won?

He loved her, he wooed and won her, and at last he married her, but secretly.

I have been wooed this time for myself, and on my own part I have said Yes.'

The moon wooed the lotus in the night, the lotus was wooed by the moon, and my sweetheart is their child.

How often have you wooed sleep amid the wailings of an infant voice?

And the mother, Bolfriana, who was fairest of all the race, was wooed and won by Witig.

Sleep came with reluctant feet, but they wooed her patiently.