Workers [noun]

Definition of Workers:

person who is employed

Synonyms of Workers:

Opposite/Antonyms of Workers:

Sentence/Example of Workers:

No one spoke; the three workers kept at their tasks as if no other person had been in the room with them.

When he saw this, he discharged his workers—And yet, it may be nothing of importance after all.

The first affects the demands of the workers, the second the terms granted by the employers.

The workers were 'free,' nothing compelled them to produce for other men's advantage?

And so the report came to me that the workers were threatening strike.

One of the most cheerful and courageous, because one of the most hopeful of workers, was Carey, the missionary.

On the ship there is no flag—on the ship there is no nation—on the ship there is only work—on the ship there are only the workers!

For the workers had gone away from their work, and the great white ships were still.

And again in gleams and flashes I saw the vision of the end—the world for all the workers.

The fine physical qualities of these workers can scarcely be questioned.