Worsened [verb]

Definition of Worsened:

diminish, decay

Synonyms of Worsened:

Opposite/Antonyms of Worsened:

Sentence/Example of Worsened:

It not only strengthened Slavery, but also worsened its character.

His manners are worsened, for he twice made to kiss me and drew back.

But success has turned his head, worsened him, since,—as it has done with many a good man before.

And might that not also be the reason for his worsened complexion and the tireder look that appeared in his eyes?

The bill was amended, here bettered, there worsened, and came to the final vote.

It was not yet the evening, as is aforesaid, but the day was worn and worsened, and all things looked weary.

In truth I am and have reason to be ashamed to own to what a diseased excess my sensibility has worsened into.

Folk thocht afterwards that ilka time Tod cam near the house the fever had worsened.

And if not, in what way would the race have been worsened had we all been as fortunately circumstanced?

Even bad news would be worsened if he had to hear it from those lips.