Worshipper [noun]
Definition of Worshipper:
Sentence/Example of Worshipper:
She was no worshipper of rank or wealth, though a perfect lady in her appearance and manners.
He was not a worshipper of the god of gold; he loved poetry for itself and preferred beauty to utility—enormous heresy!
There is the spire of the church—and thank God, he loves to enter there as a sincere and humble worshipper.
The Rudras reach the worshipper with their protection, strong in themselves, they do not fail the sacrificer.
He has brought down the wisdom of many a worshipper, he who holds in his hand all manly power.
May the worshipper here frequently of his own accord approach thee, O god who shinest in darkness, resplendent day by day.
How absorbed with beatific devotion appears to be the worshipper at its consecrated altars!
Bahaism, whose deceitful leader is a sun-worshipper, has hundreds of thousands of followers in the English speaking world.
As far as her limited nature would permit, she was overcome with remorse, which gave her an added beauty in her worshipper's eyes.
What have I to offer in earnest of such devotion as never worshipper yielded to his god?