Wringing [verb]

Definition of Wringing:

twist, contort

Synonyms of Wringing:

Opposite/Antonyms of Wringing:

Sentence/Example of Wringing:

Possibly should he retain her he could wring a handsome ransom from the white man.

No bribe—and he was shameless in his offers—could wring more than that from her.

She thought of the meeting at the Festa, and longed to wring from Gaspare his secret.

If you don't pay him every red copper, down on the nail, he'll wring you dry.

Were he taken they'd wring out of him whatever happened to be in him.

I will yet wring the heart of you and yours to the very core; and in that moment, remember me!'

"Because——" She was trying to wring the neck off a little china image now.

The backwardness of England in education used to make him wring his hands.

They did not wring it now, for there was nothing to wring out of it.

It wrings the clothes drier than you can wring them by hand.